Simply welcome your experience just as it appears
be comfortable
you don’t need to do anything
for the duration of this meditation
simply rest
rest as presence
whatever thoughts may appear to you
whatever sensations appear to you is okay
let it be as it is
we are not trying to improve anything
we are not trying to reach a state
all states appear and disappear
notice that there is no effort
which is required to simply be
in being there is no one who is doing anything.
We often define ourself
via the thoughts that appear to us
a thought which appears to you doesn’t know anything about you
allow the meaning of these words to resonate within you
to be alive within you to deliver their meaning
irrespective of whatever thoughts may appear to you you are
and when a thought dissolves
making room for possibly another thought
in the absence of thought you are
presence knows itself
I mean I am and I know that I am
we all share that same knowing
that same being
when a sound appears nothing happens to you
when a thought appears nothing happens to you
but this you that which hears these words right
now is not contained inside a thought
you are not contained inside a thought
a thought appears to you it is contained within you
it appears within you within awareness you
you do not appear
when you wake up from deep sleep the body appears
it appears as sensation
it appears to you
sensations appear within awareness
I perceive the sensation
but I am not defined by the sensation
a sensation may provide me some information about the body
sensation of hunger
sensations tiredness
appears to me
provides me some information about the body
this does not mean that I am the body
I am the reality that perceives that is
whatever it is that truly hears these words right now
I do not depend on hearing these words
in order to know that I am.
I meaning awareness is non phenomenon
it is not an object
it is not evolving in time
that which hears these words is not evolving in time
evolution applies to form
to animal species
human species
other species
evolution does not apply to your reality
in order to be you don’t need to do anything
you don’t need to imagine yourself
the man or woman person
you don’t need to imagine yourself as anything
anyway you imagine yourself is a sort of limitation
you start to feel limited
worried concerned fearful
when you imagine yourself to be the body mind
that which you are
precedes imagination
imagination requires awareness presence
but awareness does not require imagination
knowing yourself as that which precedes imagination
as that which precedes conceptualization.
When you project an image of yourself
you’re conceptualizing imagining yourself
as an image
and then you may be worried whether this image is acceptable to you to others
You may feel incomplete unhappy as an image
you may even perceive others as images in your head
you may get depressed
about the image
isolated as an image as a projection
sometimes there may be subtle image of being spiritually advanced
often time we don’t like to see or be in touch with images we have ourself and others
but whenever we simply rest as presence as awareness
effortless transparent being
there are no images
no projections
life living itself
while I know myself as I
as being not a personal being
but just being beingness awareness
just one ocean
the ocean of being
and the world
the body
the mind
or experience is just a movement of the ocean
within itself
some parts of the ocean are very quiet and still
other parts of the ocean wavy
stormy and then quiet again
that’s the ocean.
I am all of it but nothing is happening to the ocean.