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Tag: 25 min

  • Who is the thinker? Is there a thinker of thought?

    We do not perceive problems; that belongs to the wrong narrative, the wrong model of being a personal subject, a personal entity. But recognizing ourselves, it’s this amazing consciousness recognizing itself; this formless presence. There are no problems. But due to our ignorance of our true nature, we are habituated to problems.

  • The revelation of Universal beingness: I AM

    That which is perceived. does not perceive. You are the perceiver in this you, in this moment right now. It is beyond any doubt. Is invisible to the senses, knows it is and knows it perceives. You are this knowingness. Not a dream character, not a storyline. It is the understanding. about your true nature,…

  • Is there a physical reality out there?

    The World is our body, and Universe is our mind. We are this fullness awareness, this fullness presence, awakening to itself.

  • Is consciousness a program in your brain?

    So we can go directly to awareness. The reality of awareness, the fact of awareness, this magical awareness. The vastness, the formlessness, and the aliveness.

  • Recovering the innocence of our childlike nature

    Like the mind of a baby without any complications. Each moment is brand new, completely fresh. It’s as if we are reborn moment by moment. Everything which appears to you. appears to you within this stillness, this still presence. Which is not affected by whatever it perceives. You are not subject to that which you…

  • Where peace, love and beauty meet.

    It is within that understanding, the understanding about truth, about the reality and universality of consciousness, that peace, love, and beauty meet and express themselves, and bloom and reveal themselves. .:. It is not via any mind activity, it is via this understanding. .:. We relax our pursuits our pursuit of experiences our pursuit of…

  • Who is the thinker? Is there a thinker of thought?

    Who is the thinker? Is there a thinker of thought?

    We do not perceive problems; that belongs to the wrong narrative, the wrong model of being a personal subject, a personal entity. But recognizing ourselves, it’s this amazing consciousness recognizing itself; this formless presence. There are no problems. But due to our ignorance of our true nature, we are habituated to problems.

  • The revelation of Universal beingness: I AM

    The revelation of Universal beingness: I AM

    That which is perceived. does not perceive. You are the perceiver in this you, in this moment right now. It is beyond any doubt. Is invisible to the senses, knows it is and knows it perceives. You are this knowingness. Not a dream character, not a storyline. It is the understanding. about your true nature,…

  • Is there a physical reality out there?

    Is there a physical reality out there?

    The World is our body, and Universe is our mind. We are this fullness awareness, this fullness presence, awakening to itself.

  • Is consciousness a program in your brain?

    Is consciousness a program in your brain?

    So we can go directly to awareness. The reality of awareness, the fact of awareness, this magical awareness. The vastness, the formlessness, and the aliveness.

  • Recovering the innocence of our childlike nature

    Recovering the innocence of our childlike nature

    Like the mind of a baby without any complications. Each moment is brand new, completely fresh. It’s as if we are reborn moment by moment. Everything which appears to you. appears to you within this stillness, this still presence. Which is not affected by whatever it perceives. You are not subject to that which you…

  • Where peace, love and beauty meet.

    Where peace, love and beauty meet.

    It is within that understanding, the understanding about truth, about the reality and universality of consciousness, that peace, love, and beauty meet and express themselves, and bloom and reveal themselves. .:. It is not via any mind activity, it is via this understanding. .:. We relax our pursuits our pursuit of experiences our pursuit of…