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Tag: 25 min

  • Ordinary awareness

    When you refer to I, it is awareness referring to itself.

  • Is a teacher needed?

    A friend, reminding you that the body may have a name, an age, a history. But you’re not the body. A friend, reminding you of that which you know, that namely you perceive a body. You perceive bodily sensations, but you are not defined by that which you perceive.

  • What should my practice be?

    Thoughts appear within the non-movement. And this non-movement is meditation. With no one doing anything. It is a cosmic meditation…

  • Relaxed and Awake

    When you contemplate your reality, it is reality which is contemplating itself. Meaning, the universe is contemplating itself and recognizing itself as the one and only reality.

  • The path of understanding and the path of love

    Please check out, inspired by this satsang.

  • Judgment and maintaining the me-belief

    I am is undefined, unlabeled, not in time and space, not time bound. You are not that which appears to you. You are not defined by any mind narrative.