How real is our experience?
We are this effortless awareness. No effort is required to perceive this perception. Noticing the breath. No effort is needed to be aware that we are aware. It’s right there. I’m aware. And I am this effortless awareness. So simple, so clear. What is complicated is to be somebody, to maintain my…
What to do after a glimpse?
“This meditation is a journey towards understanding that what you believe yourself to be is not what you truly are, and it encourages an exploration of this understanding through awareness, non-resistance, and a movement towards universal experience…”
Only a belief, that something is missing!
Magdi emphasizes that the perception of something missing or lacking is a result of identifying with a limited, personal self. This is a belief, not an actual reality…
Can suffering ever end?
What appears within that borderless awareness? Images appear, sensations, soaked in this formless awareness, which is always there, and that which is non-phenomenal, which is not subject to conditions, which has no phenomenal attributes whatsoever. That is what I is, and that does not suffer. You need to come to this understanding…
What is this dream about?
… ‘somebody’ is simply the activity of resisting and seeking, fear and the sense of lack. Take a look. Find out for yourself. Own it, Be it.
The liberating understanding
So you can wake up in the dream and realize that the dream is appearing in you, and that you have never actually been an entity in the dream. Liberation awaits you.
Awareness and Reality
The freedom that you seek, the Love that you seek, the Happiness that you seek, is in this understanding, is revealed to you, and established in your Being, as you live this understanding.
The cosmic joke
To comprehend the cosmic joke the play of consciousness the game of ignorance and wisdom, you have to comprehend your absolute freedom your unconditional freedom As this formless universal reality. One reality. No things outside of the one reality the reality of consciousness Your reality!
The Ultimate Fear
Magdi: “What is this I which is going somewhere? The fear of absolute disappearance. The end of what? We know that thoughts appear and end, perceptions appear and end. But have you ever experienced your ending or your beginning? Or is it one more belief? The belief that I have a beginning and an…
Ai: The reality of thoughts
This Satsang dialogue offers valuable insights into the nature of awakening and the pitfalls of striving. By questioning our assumptions about the “I” and recognizing the effortless nature of awareness, we can move towards a deeper understanding of our true nature and freedom from suffering.
The reality of thoughts
So if we can turn our attention to where the attention arises from. The mind cannot find this place. So we come to not-knowing. You don’t need to do anything. And, simply relax into Being. Without any goal; because goals are fabrications of the mind.