
  • Understanding and freedom from reactivity & unhappiness

    You are not defined by anything you perceive or conceive.     Reality is self-defined.

  • How real is our experience?

    We are this effortless awareness. No effort is required to perceive this perception. Noticing the breath. No effort is needed to be aware that we are aware.     It’s right there. I’m aware.      And I am this effortless awareness. So simple, so clear.     What is complicated is to be somebody, to maintain my…

  • Update

    “We are in it together and the company of spiritual friends helps us realize our interconnectedness.”

  • The Non-dual path

    Magdi encourages us to live as this borderless and effortless awareness. This means not clinging to beliefs, resisting or seeking, and recognizing the interconnectedness of oneself and the universe. He suggests that living in this way allows for the dissolution of barriers and the experience of unity.

  • Exploring the dropping of the mind

    Welcome, everyone. Lovely to be. Lovely to see you. Beautiful gathering of friends.

  • Beyond all dreams

    There is no separation when it comes to awareness. It is only in referring to ourself as somebody, as something, that we experience separation, we experience the sense of limitation, the sense of lack.

  • Understanding and freedom from reactivity & unhappiness

    Understanding and freedom from reactivity & unhappiness

    You are not defined by anything you perceive or conceive.     Reality is self-defined.

  • How real is our experience?

    How real is our experience?

    We are this effortless awareness. No effort is required to perceive this perception. Noticing the breath. No effort is needed to be aware that we are aware.     It’s right there. I’m aware.      And I am this effortless awareness. So simple, so clear.     What is complicated is to be somebody, to maintain my…

  • Update


    “We are in it together and the company of spiritual friends helps us realize our interconnectedness.”

  • The Non-dual path

    The Non-dual path

    Magdi encourages us to live as this borderless and effortless awareness. This means not clinging to beliefs, resisting or seeking, and recognizing the interconnectedness of oneself and the universe. He suggests that living in this way allows for the dissolution of barriers and the experience of unity.

  • Exploring the dropping of the mind

    Exploring the dropping of the mind

    Welcome, everyone. Lovely to be. Lovely to see you. Beautiful gathering of friends.

  • Beyond all dreams

    Beyond all dreams

    There is no separation when it comes to awareness. It is only in referring to ourself as somebody, as something, that we experience separation, we experience the sense of limitation, the sense of lack.