Beyond all dreams
There is no separation when it comes to awareness. It is only in referring to ourself as somebody, as something, that we experience separation, we experience the sense of limitation, the sense of lack.
The causeless peace of being (11/07/24)
This habitual resistance, a sort of stubbornness. It’s innocent, but it’s still a stubbornness: I don’t wanna let go! And I hold on to my story. Identify with my feelings and emotions and it’s childish, it’s stubbornness. We’re all familiar with that.
Causeless Peace and Joy
Allow every sensation that arises to you to be free. Notice the effortlessness of awareness. Thoughts appear and disappear. Sensations constantly shifting.
Facing death
And in the phenomenal realm, we all know that death is inevitable. Most often, it seems to be a dreadful thing, because we are wired for survival. The body-mind is wired for survival and procreation. So there is this wiring within the body-mind to figure its way in the face of danger to survive. But…
Dealing with existential fear
You are this invisible, aware presence, which right now hears these words, which knows it is and knows that it is formless, boundless, invisible to the senses, and yet undeniable. The reality of being. So come closer to the edge, and fall into God’s arms.
Freedom from addiction
Letting go of the past, letting go of the future, sort of being open to not knowing, being open to being, which is this silent presence, this formless awareness, borderless awareness.