A truth lover's website, sharing Magdi Badawy‘s nondual meditations.

Upcoming Satsang ❤️

Upcoming Satsang ❤️

TUESDAY May 7 at 10:00 am PT
A meditative contemplation with Magdi:
In coming and going,
we never leave home.

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Costa Rica Friends

Costa Rica Friends

The Universe,
the World is not apart from you.

You could not perceive it,
if it was apart from you.

The very fact that that you perceive.
points directly to your intimacy,
to your oneness.

Separation is just a belief.
When you believe in separation,
you manifest it,
you create it.
in your mind as if it is real.

But it is not real.
because reality is 1,
and in oneness, there is no separation.

This understanding must be yours.

You need to explore.
this understanding.
in whichever way you explore it,
until it is your experience,
your certainty.

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